Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is that yer ass hangin' out boy?


The Jasper County Council (our neighboring county for the folks reading from afar) passed "on second reading a proposed ordinance Monday that would make it unlawful for any person to wear his or her pants 3 inches below the waist".

Scheduled for a third reading on August 15th, if passed the ordinance would call for a maximum $500 fine and 30 days in jail if violated.

I expect a huge run on belts and string at the local Piggly Wiggly.


WileyCoyote said...

And some towns in CA want to ban fast food restaurants, too.

What a great idea!! Instead of prosecuting people for crimes against each other, let's make apparel and crimes against oneself (overeating, high cholesterol indulgence, smoking, drinking, tripping on one's hems etc)legally prosecutable crimes instead. Let's take away peoples' responsibility for their actions and make them responsible for their assumed intent instead. Wonderful way to control the populace, isn't it?

What a bunch of salivating maroons.

Unknown said...

Who is responsible for identifying where the waist is on an individual?